Monday, March 7, 2011

think Qaddafi just either became a Libertarian or joined the TEA Party...I am having a political identity crisis today...

Source: ME!
 As a quasi-Libertarian (but not a member of the TEA party) I do not welcome this development, but as someone with a sense of humor, I guess I have to welcome him to the club as a tax-cutter... :)..Also, did he just declare "Mission Accomplished"?  Guess he does not read the papers either...

Qaddafi's Solution To His Crisis: Tax Cuts!

Libyan state TV announces wide-ranging tax cuts. It says:

""The general public committee has decided to reduce customs on basic commodities to zero per cent and to reduce customs on all other commodities to only five per cent. It also decided to remove all consumption and production taxes. The new changes were made on the occasion of the victory of our great people over the terrorist gangs.""

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