Friday, January 28, 2011

Ho Hum...Budget deficit for the year reaches $1.5 Trillion...Hmmm...What does that look like?

Ho Hum...Budget deficit for the year reaches $1.5 Trillion...Hmmm...What does that look like?

CBO projects U.S. budget deficit to reach $1.5 trillion in 2011, highest ever
This graphic shows what One Trillion Dollars looks like. To put the budget deficit for ONE YEAR in perspective, below you are looking at standard pallets stacked with $10,000 packs of $100 bills. Notice the average size man in the lower left-hand corner.  The pallets are double stacked and the whole thing is about the size of a Walmart Store.  Of course you have to add on half again to get $1.5 Trillion...Have a nice day...

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